Music café!
Thursday evening!
I had just came home from school and was really tired and then came my band friend Frida and knock on my door like "knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door" :DD. She told me that we have a show today I was a bit confused because I have been on BERMUN last week and actually didn't knew anything about this but I went down to the Mozart hall and took the el guitar and I actually did a good improvised solo.
After two hours did I went directly down to my sports hall for floorball training!
What a day!
Boxing, French, Mathematics tomorrow enjoy!
Good night!:)
Guten nacht!;)
I had just came home from school and was really tired and then came my band friend Frida and knock on my door like "knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door" :DD. She told me that we have a show today I was a bit confused because I have been on BERMUN last week and actually didn't knew anything about this but I went down to the Mozart hall and took the el guitar and I actually did a good improvised solo.

Music is a fantastic thing!
After two hours at the music café and a fast dinner,

Music is a fantastic thing!
After two hours at the music café and a fast dinner,
did I went directly down to my sports hall for my floorball training with the seniors Waterloo Lions!

What a day!
Tomorrow in school I will have following points on my schedule boxing, French, mathematics tomorrow enjoy!
Good night!:)
Gute nacht!;)
Postat av: mullicansai
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