Finally weekend!
Hey everybody,
it feels so good with a well-deserved weekend after another tough week in school, this is actually my penultimate weekend of this school year in Belgium here at Scandinavian School of Brussels. It feels strange, how can time go so fast? I'm trying to enjoy these last days now...
I know many friends in Finland, Sweden and Malax already have got Summer Vacation, it's only 12 days left now for me it feels good, but also a bit sad to leave this life. Many have asked, what will it feels like? I will try to take it as a man I tell them.
Sad to leave the floorball team without goalkeeper, all friends and everything around. This year has been awesome, no matter how I look on it! For all new attending students next year, enjoy the awesome time of experiences and fun!

Butte de Lion, Waterloo Battlefield - The most prominent sight on the battlefield of Waterloo is a 148 foot high earthen mound topped by a huge cast iron lion!

I'm just sharing this picture to you(haha), it's from the Model United Nations times during this school year and from my point of view I thought it would fit in to say: I had my last exam of this week today in Econmics & Business!
$$$$$$$$$$$8)..... the test felt good however, hoping for a 10 which is the best result in Finland(in Finland we have a scale from 4-10)!
More posts and more awesome and more vigorous posts are coming soon... hold on my crazy readers!
it feels so good with a well-deserved weekend after another tough week in school, this is actually my penultimate weekend of this school year in Belgium here at Scandinavian School of Brussels. It feels strange, how can time go so fast? I'm trying to enjoy these last days now...
I know many friends in Finland, Sweden and Malax already have got Summer Vacation, it's only 12 days left now for me it feels good, but also a bit sad to leave this life. Many have asked, what will it feels like? I will try to take it as a man I tell them.
Sad to leave the floorball team without goalkeeper, all friends and everything around. This year has been awesome, no matter how I look on it! For all new attending students next year, enjoy the awesome time of experiences and fun!

Butte de Lion, Waterloo Battlefield - The most prominent sight on the battlefield of Waterloo is a 148 foot high earthen mound topped by a huge cast iron lion!

I'm just sharing this picture to you(haha), it's from the Model United Nations times during this school year and from my point of view I thought it would fit in to say: I had my last exam of this week today in Econmics & Business!
$$$$$$$$$$$8)..... the test felt good however, hoping for a 10 which is the best result in Finland(in Finland we have a scale from 4-10)!
More posts and more awesome and more vigorous posts are coming soon... hold on my crazy readers!
Grattis till alla studenter!
Grattis till alla mina vänner och bekanta som blir,
studenter och färdiga med sina examens hemma i Finland!


Glad sommar till alla er som får sommarlov imorgon också! Njut!
Belgium Champions 2012 in Floorball!!
Good evening!

Words that will stay and remain from my time in the goal might be:
- This will be a post, reminder and a summarize about my floorball career down here in Europe.
"Floorball is a growing sport in Belgium and surrounding countries. At the first game I participated in a game I recognized directly the Belgian serious and focus in the match and around the match. I have played in all big Arenas in Belgium and I have got in that case a chance to travel around and acquaint me more with Belgium. Generally sports isn't just about to win it's a lot more, for example usually all Sports are very social. I have got a lot of new friends and experiences through this sport which I appreciate and benefit."
I'm looking backwards a couple of weeks when me and my Floorball team Waterloo Lions won the Belgium Floorball League which feels amazing good! It was the first time Waterloo Lions U-18 team won the series ever in the Floorball history in Belgium which makes it even more better!
Personally I have developed a lot and found a new moving strategy in the goal. I have also got a lot of new experiences now which makes me more dominate in the goal and sometimes I'm not concern about anything while other times it could be more pressure and nervous especially in important games. But it's good with adrenaline!
I have also trained 2-3 times a week and had one game per weekend and of course this shows results. During the season did I save three of three penalties and offer the audience some performance! After the Christmas Vacation I also bought me a new own floorball suit which has been working excellent!

Fancy medal memory
Proud owner
We will have a big celebration in June with the whole team together, looking forward for the celebrations!

- OJ, OJ, OJ! ='D
"Finally I want to thank all my trainers, teammates, coaches and parents and friends and the transport for me during the whole season without you it hadn't been possible. Thanks to all supporters also, you have been fantastic!"
Pictures throughout the season, check it out!

Old picture, in the beginning of the season

Dude is aiming

Eero and me, my Finnish teammate and real friend here in Belgium

Always put Finland or Malax on the map as much as possible! ;)

When I changed goal keeper suit to a new and much better


Night practise at 20:00-22:00 (21:14 is the clock)

That's one of my many homes, in the floorball goal. I have spent many houres in the floorball goal during my life here! Pretty fascinating!

Thanks for me, we are still practise and we will have one final friend match against Atom Eagles the last weekend of May.
"Good teamwork through the whole long season with more or less dramatic and exciting games!"

Old picture, in the beginning of the season

Dude is aiming

Eero and me, my Finnish teammate and real friend here in Belgium

Always put Finland or Malax on the map as much as possible! ;)

When I changed goal keeper suit to a new and much better


Night practise at 20:00-22:00 (21:14 is the clock)

That's one of my many homes, in the floorball goal. I have spent many houres in the floorball goal during my life here! Pretty fascinating!

Thanks for me, we are still practise and we will have one final friend match against Atom Eagles the last weekend of May.
"Good teamwork through the whole long season with more or less dramatic and exciting games!"
Another Awesome Week Has Started!
Hello it's Monday and a new week has started!
The week started really good with a successful application about my final exams in Finland next school year, new personal record at the 4 km test in Gymnastics and I also received a nice job offer from an employer!
About the week so far
This week is a bit shorter than the school week use to be because of the "Ascension of Christ" so after school at Wednesday we are free until Monday morning. Chill, celebrations or time for studying!
On Thursday it's the Norwegian independence day and that's a day of celebrations! ;)
On Saturday I have actually planned a trip to Amsterdam to meet my dear cousin and visit the country! ;D

This week I'm also responsible student with my Finnish friend Roope at the castle which means we have to check so everything is in order around the boarding through the whole week.

"Here is a picture of the responsible student, behave yourself this week and try to show respect to the others also otherwise... Btw, on the boarding we have found a couple of cockroaches(I helped two Norwegian girls to take away one today, just call on me if you need some backup). So to prevent this; Answer: keep cleaning, don't leave your own wash or rubbish around yourself put it therefore firmly in the bins." ;b
Butte du Lion
"I wish you a good week everybody, good night all cool people!
A couple of memorable days!
Good morning!
Last Sunday(6 th May) Scandinavian School of Brussels was organizing and celebrating the SSB-day a bigger event around the whole School park, which included a day with a lot of exciting programs. You were also available to buy food and products made from whole Scandinavian.
I was self participating in some different programs at the SSB-day. For example I was playing drums and accustic guitar with the Gym Music Group(we had only trained 2 times before the show) but it went really good for that!

- Playing drums, this song was fragile.

- This is from the Swedish EU representation, when we were invited to have a lunch concert for them.

- This is another picture when we have had concerts. This is at the castle were I'm living, "Music Café".
This weekend at Saturday we celebrated Snellmandagen och finskhetens dag. At SSB they had arranging programs but mostly for the younger children.

- Suomi poika!
- My Swedish friend George asked me today, - if I love Finland? -Of course I do. My opinion is that you should respect, pay tribute and be proud of you native country.
Today it's Mother's day in Finland, which is a celebration that honors mothers. Mother's Day is a feast where children celebrate their mothers.
Have a nice day mom!

"Thanks Mom, without you I hadn't existed."
Swedish EU representation for a lunch concert
Last week with my relatives!
Hello there all!
La Hulpe was a place that excel a lot with it's great nature and furthermore the view from the Citadelle in Namur was also in equality nice as La Hulpe which is placed in Waterloo actually.
1. Brussels
1. Brussels

- It's a great city surrounded of old buildings, which makes it even more attractive to look around.
2. Waterloo, Le Button de Lion. It's the best preserved battlefield in Europe to discover, on which 300,000 men from 7 nations fought against each other.

- On my way up, I recognized fast that it was actually a little challenge to take all steps up but it was worth it. It was a unique panorama and a memorable climb.

- Ocke, my cool relative!

- The view over the battlefield from Napoleon's time.
3. Namur, a town known for military

- Namur

- A military podium.
4. La Hulpe, we took a walk through the area. Except the nature the castle and garden were really nice and stylish.

- The garden!

- Look kind of political there! =)
"It was a kind of exhaustion after that weekend but afterwards I could exhale calmly."
This was just a few things we did but greatful thanks for the visit! I appreciated it a lot!
School > Blog and a lot of other things
Finally weekend!
- awesome
In many cases I need to prioritize school for the moment for example decide what subjects I want to write next year in the final exams in Finland, National tests in different subjects, carry through assignments and tests, try to get rid of necessary courses.
Today I had my final test in History about international relations, it felt like the test went really well!
Yesterday before the History Test. Reading, preparing and listening with a lot of different materials -> to get the best grade, let's see the final grade later! We had only 50 minutes to write 2 essays, under pressure.
- I have a lot to tell and show you (for example when my [relatives]
and brother visited me which was really nice!),
So keep out, I will try to make my best with
the blog for the coming future!

To end this post I want to say;
"I hope everybody having a great and successful time in school or at work, peace"
and brother visited me which was really nice!),
So keep out, I will try to make my best with
the blog for the coming future!

To end this post I want to say;
"I hope everybody having a great and successful time in school or at work, peace"
Damn excited! ;D
Some of my relatives are on their way to the castle now,

Have a nice day everyone,

Have a nice day everyone,
and enjoy the beautiful and sunny weather!(#)
~ New Hair Style, en France~
"I had to try to cut my hair in Waterloo, surprised when they didn't know any English at all, for example they didn't know what "BEST" means... or should I be surprised, actually not.
So I'm just telling you it can be hard for those which not speak any French at all to live in the French area of Belgium, but this was the result for 18,50 euro! ;'D"

Looking forward tomorrow to see my 'cool' brother! Long time since last time!
Wish you all a good night!
"I had to try to cut my hair in Waterloo, surprised when they didn't know any English at all, for example they didn't know what "BEST" means... or should I be surprised, actually not.
So I'm just telling you it can be hard for those which not speak any French at all to live in the French area of Belgium, but this was the result for 18,50 euro! ;'D"

Looking forward tomorrow to see my 'cool' brother! Long time since last time!
Wish you all a good night!
Tomorrow comes relatives!
Tomorrow is some of my relatives coming to visit me here in Belgium,
i'm looking forward to it, it will be fun, nice and really awesome!
- A long time since last time
Tomorrow we have English National Test and after that I have Finnish History and then I will spend the time with my relatives.
Have A Nice Evening!
The last part of my blog diary starts now!
Good evening everybody out there in the world!

Two Finnish comedians! Haha, just look at them.
"It's hardly two months left of this wonderful year here at Scandinavian School of Brussels now for me, I have recognized that the time is passing faster than you can imagine.
I will not sum up the whole year now but I can tell you as much as that these eight months I have been living here in the hearth of Europe so far has only been positive as appreciated, amazing and fantastic lovely.
But I have tried to press this exchange year to max in every case so therefore it will not feel too bad to leave it behind later, hopefully."
Summarize up from the Easter break briefly!
Easter break was almost three valuable weeks (but not enough time) for me which I spent in Germany, Sweden but mainly in Finland. I did a lot of different things, only great things. This is something of all I did, Check it out!
1. Helsinki,
I joined a interesting political discussion about the Defence Forces: NatO, EU-defense and status quo with Carl Haglund, European parliamentarian. There were also Stefan Wallin the Finnish Defence Minister and Philip Malone an ambassador for United Kingdom. This discussion was also filmed by television, there a lot of my contacs saw me.
Some of my friends saw me also at the Swedish television program TV4. Because TV4 had been here at Scandinavian School of Brussels for approximately two months ago and made a program about our School.

I will not forget the funny theater with André Wickström and "the 10 commandments". André Wickström is my favorite actor of all Finnish actors.

Doing the legendary "RUOKAKERMA!" from the Swedish humor Parliament program, this is backstage after the show was finished.
2. Tampere,
I did also visit Tampere for a couple of days and spent some time at the luxury swim house.

Outside of the huge place,

inside, a small part of the giant swim house.
3. Ostrobotnia,

The notorious helicopter! (Y)

A nice view from the archipelago over "Häschjäsfjäälin" in Närpes. The relaxing source from everything.

Another day, with "white" swans! ^^
During the whole Easter Vacation I met a lot of people and new people, thanks to you it was a pleasure and really fun! See you soon!
Best Regards,
Johannes Wilson
During the whole Easter Vacation I met a lot of people and new people, thanks to you it was a pleasure and really fun! See you soon!
Best Regards,
Johannes Wilson
Finland pushes me and soon will save me!
- Salut! Ca va?!
Today, I actually started my Finnish course three through video conferens from Finland, I enjoy it and it's fun to be connected with other students online and having lessons!
What else? A lot of works to get done before the Easter Vacation as Finnsih, Finnish History and Finnish Maths because the Easter Vacation that was a never ever coming Vacation is here soon! My vacation starts from Friday and is coming closer and closer now with a high speed or an unstoppable speed you could say!
Good night, they said it's gonna be a good Wednesday!
Last School week has started until Easter Vacation!
Bonjour tout le monde!
I'm posting up some more pictures from the boarding trip to Antwerpen during the weekend, Enjoy!

On the way to Antwerpen by a double decker bus sitting in the front seat on the second level with some Norwegian girls, great enough! A bit tired from Friday night too! (hehe)

Location on the map,

just arrived to the well-known train station,

The outside of the train station listening to the guide.

Huge and great views over Antwerpen...



A really nice place on a sunny Saturday day!

Enjoying and appreciating!

Gathered after the whole day,

I like to travel or I love to, "an another trip gives more experiences". Antwerpen was really good almost better than Brussels!
What else have I been doing today?
- Development talk with my tutor; developing in all subjects except those who already is excellent, positive!
- We had badminton at the gymnastics, we have a Swedish student who is making her work experiences here so that's something I suggest to new coming teachers, come and do your work experinces here, especially if you are talking French!
My present quotes: "There is nothing permanent except change" and "Listen to your brain, it has a lot of information." ;')
Have a nice evening! :):)
The weekend!
Friday was the start of the warmer weather time period in Belgium, a extremly hot and sunny day that we all appreciated here in the heart of Europe.
When I'm enjoying this beautiful weather I use to joke and say to my Scandinavian friends:
- It feels like the Finnish summer! =D
Friday was the start of the warmer weather time period in Belgium, a extremly hot and sunny day that we all appreciated here in the heart of Europe.
When I'm enjoying this beautiful weather I use to joke and say to my Scandinavian friends:
- It feels like the Finnish summer! =D

- You should come and visit me, my friends and my country! It's f-f-fantastic!

- Waterloo
Saturday started quite early in the morning(07:00) and we boarding students went for the trip to Antwerpen in Flandern finally, where they all are speaking Dutch. It was an appreciated trip, the weather was perfect and the day was perfect generally!
Through the day I spent money for example on a clock, sunglasses and different kind of foods. In Antwerpen they have a really nice and huge market every Saturday, where you can bargains cheaper and more expensive things, they are offering a lot of different food and things.
First of all we walked together in a group with a guide, the most three important things you should know about Antwerpen:
Antwerpen is top three in the whole world with cooperating of ocean freight, with totally over 500 berths.
The train station of Antwerpen is nominated to one of the most beautiful train stations in the world.
80% of all diamonds are passing by Antwerpen for refinement from for example Africa.

- In this building all the transfers with diamonds is happening in Antwerpen and it's no contracts you make if you want to deal it's handshakes that counts

- In the centrum

- Another view from the centrum

- An artwork close to the church

- The giant cathedral in Antwerpen which took a long time to build
I Woke up twelve o'clock as I always do on the weekends and went directly down from my room to eat some huge brunch with many different alternatives on the castle.
I had packed my floorball bag the day before(good organisation!) so I just took my bag with all floorball needed things for a goalkeeper as I am and went down to the Sports hall where we played a very steady and exciting match today.
(1-2,2-1,2-0) = 5-3 to us "Waterloo Lions", another victory another step closer to the Play Offs!
Today I was playing in the goal for and thinking of my dear friend Jim from Malax, R.I.P!
The train station of Antwerpen is nominated to one of the most beautiful train stations in the world.
80% of all diamonds are passing by Antwerpen for refinement from for example Africa.

- In this building all the transfers with diamonds is happening in Antwerpen and it's no contracts you make if you want to deal it's handshakes that counts

- In the centrum

- Another view from the centrum

- An artwork close to the church

- The giant cathedral in Antwerpen which took a long time to build
I Woke up twelve o'clock as I always do on the weekends and went directly down from my room to eat some huge brunch with many different alternatives on the castle.
I had packed my floorball bag the day before(good organisation!) so I just took my bag with all floorball needed things for a goalkeeper as I am and went down to the Sports hall where we played a very steady and exciting match today.
(1-2,2-1,2-0) = 5-3 to us "Waterloo Lions", another victory another step closer to the Play Offs!
Today I was playing in the goal for and thinking of my dear friend Jim from Malax, R.I.P!
Thursday, Floorball and Regards!
Today it's Thursday already, and tomorrow comes Friday!

The weekend, we all have been waiting for!
Floorball tonight and game on Sunday 16:00 at Scandinavian School of Brussels!
Floorball training with Waterloo Lions adults team tonight 20:00-22:00 as usual! I have not participated during the two last weeks because I have had other things to priority.

Damn skilled goalkeeper xZ
Regards to all you in Finland,
- I hope you all have a good time in Finland, I'm soon coming pass by Finland in three weeks, I'm wishing you a nice weekend so keep out, see you soon!
"See you if you see me!"

Pretty Mighty! ;'D
Have a nice evening everybody!
On my way to the EU-representation!
Today I'm going to the European Representation with the music band on SSB, because we were invited to come and play music and sing as a lunchtime concert! This is a "bonus opportunity" for me today, both music and politics!

Music and,

Have a nice day!
Hello everybody! Fighting through the week now, the weekend will be more attractive and funnier when we will celebrate together, because the following weekend we are leaving the castle for Easter Vacation and away from SSB and Belgium for some very well needed holiday in almost three fantastic weeks! (y)
Here is three pictures from my own room and why the Swedish students don't want to visit my "washing room",
Here is three pictures from my own room and why the Swedish students don't want to visit my "washing room",

Hey you! Always happy and smiling,

This is the very big reason! Haha! ;D
I'm of course talking about the legend World Championship in ice hockey from last year when Finland won 6-1 against Sweden. To remember the day; !
But I'm luckily a Finnish-Swedish inhabitant from Finland, so they are accepting me but this painting is really well made however which I did with my friend from Finland one night!
It's soon coming a new World Champion tounament! During the Christmas vacation did the small lions lost against Sweden which was pretty sad.
This pic did I take at the same (TRUE!) time that Mikael Granlund totally failed on his penalty and Finland lost against Sweden! Link when Mikael Granlund fail on his penalty: .
Ice hockey is a fast-paced physical sport, and it's really entertaining sport to watch on TV because it is happening a lot, it's action! To end this post about Finnsh hockey I have to show you this link too "Mikael Granlundin Ilmaveivi 13.5.2011" !

This is it!
Have a nice week! Study hard, recommend!
Studying and working hard, but also enjoying the life as much as possible!

It's hard to avoid this beautiful weather, it was a perfect athletics training today! (#)

Always the same happy feeling when you get post, continue sending!! Everything is appreciated!;)
This is some stuff I found in my big letter last time,
SVENSK FRAMTID, a Finnish-Swedish magazine which included a lot of policy and youth policy.
When I am coming to Finland I will go and listen to André Wickström the Finnish-Swedish comedian/actor.

André Wickström in Sweden: !
He is so 'damn' good and a lot of people thinks his good and he is getting bigger and bigger! He has made a big career in Sweden these last years!
I'm waiting to see him live in Finland, Helsinki! (ofc I have seen him before, he is mine number one comedian in Finland easily!)

Shiny and wonderful Monday, we'll see what the weather offers in the near future!
Good Night!

It's hard to avoid this beautiful weather, it was a perfect athletics training today! (#)

Always the same happy feeling when you get post, continue sending!! Everything is appreciated!;)
This is some stuff I found in my big letter last time,
SVENSK FRAMTID, a Finnish-Swedish magazine which included a lot of policy and youth policy.
When I am coming to Finland I will go and listen to André Wickström the Finnish-Swedish comedian/actor.

André Wickström in Sweden: !
He is so 'damn' good and a lot of people thinks his good and he is getting bigger and bigger! He has made a big career in Sweden these last years!
I'm waiting to see him live in Finland, Helsinki! (ofc I have seen him before, he is mine number one comedian in Finland easily!)

Shiny and wonderful Monday, we'll see what the weather offers in the near future!
Good Night!
Another week expired!
Good evening!
Weeks are passing faster and faster because the Easter Vacation is coming closer! I have already got positive feelings to be able to come back to Finland for almost three weeks, a lot of plans is already booked!
Weeks are passing faster and faster because the Easter Vacation is coming closer! I have already got positive feelings to be able to come back to Finland for almost three weeks, a lot of plans is already booked!
This link above is a countdown, until I arriving to Finland, Helsinki!
I was one of hardly 10 in the administration of SSBMUN 2012
SBBMUN went well, all student took it really serious and they seemed to enjoy it! We had invited a speaker who spoke really well and got everyone started and gave us all inspiration and justifications to start working good to make good resolutions together.
SSBMUN is a conference were the school students simulate the real United Nations by taking the role of a delegate of a country, different from the persons origin to discuss political issues.
I was working in the Trafficking Committee in the chair, to be a chair means to help and control in the hall. I had made the whole resolution

which is the hardest part to do and requires a lot of time, I recognized it wasn't so easy for all to understand it but I couldn't tell or help you just because of the rules to make you believe it was the submitter "The Delegation of Netherlands" that had made it... :')
All students were divided into three different committees;
- Trafficking Committee

- Migration Committee

- World Rights Committee

Tomorrow it's a new week with Finnish test for example, the School is going real good for the moment with high grades 10,9,10... so I will try to do my best in school until the much needed vacation!

Good Night all sweet persons!;)
Wonderful shiny Monday...
...all except that my team lost in the basketball tournament in the end on penalties! But after the group games my team had more points than they who won, but it was semifinals and finals also included in this tournament!
This weekend we have a floorball game in Waterloo in the School's Sports hall with the Waterloo Lions U-18 team and that's gonna be an exciting and a fun game, I hope I will see you there as many as possible as real supporters!

I had a long and intensive day at school today, I guess I will skip the athletics and study History instead!
We also started up with the SSBMUN concept today, awesome and I enjoy it a lot! I'm sitting in the chair and I have arranging this years SSBMUN 2011 because I participated in BERMUN 2011. At SSBMUN we are simulating the real United Nations by taking the role of a delegate of a country that for the most of the students are different from the persons origin to discuss political issues.
If anyone at the castle needs help do not hesitate to ask me, I want to help you as much as possible, the door will be open for everything during this SSBMUN days.
This years SSBMUN is new in many factors and one of them is that SBBMUN is devided into three different groups related to a main factor.
I'm working in the trafficking committee, in BERMUN I was alone from our school sitting in Disarmament committee and my chairmen often told us that we are the best group and pushed us, but actually I'm thinking as them now as a real chairman, but our group in trafficking is really containing of a lot of great people!
Have an awesome evening everybody!