Winter vacation, another awesome time!
I stayed at the castle during this vacation of many reasons; the Easter is coming soon more precisely in a month and that holiday is much longer and I also wanted to acquaint me more with the country. However I spend a lot of time in the music building, I also trained almost everyday in gym, running and now and then some football with some other guys. School was open throughout the week and one day was I asked to show around a Finnish family that had a girl who will attend the upper secondary school next year, pretty nice.
I wasn't the only student that defended the castle but I was the one that stayed through the whole week, strongly! We had a lot of food and got refills and it was still food left on Sunday. Anyway I did not eat on the castle everyday, so some of the days it was a bit more luxury than others!;D

1. Home made pizzas on the inside of the castle 2. Luxury food made on the outside of the castle (Raphael restuarant in Brussels, recommend!)
The end of the weekend was the perfect end of the vacation, I went to Brussels by train from Waterloo and it was a shiniest day (Saturday) during the week and when I arrived to Brussels my political friend called me and asked if I wanted to join and visit the Military Museum which was placed here...

So I took the metro to the area but first we had to take advantage of the sun a little at a nice cafe! =D

Some chosen pics from the very interesting military history museum, check it out! The museum was focused largely on all Belgian history of war, in the giant museum could you find a lot of things that have been preserved from conquest, great battles, countries that Belgium has been in contact with, and much more!

After that interesting tour we crossed the political buildings such as the EU-arena, parliament... more pictures:

I wasn't the only student that defended the castle but I was the one that stayed through the whole week, strongly! We had a lot of food and got refills and it was still food left on Sunday. Anyway I did not eat on the castle everyday, so some of the days it was a bit more luxury than others!;D

1. Home made pizzas on the inside of the castle 2. Luxury food made on the outside of the castle (Raphael restuarant in Brussels, recommend!)
The end of the weekend was the perfect end of the vacation, I went to Brussels by train from Waterloo and it was a shiniest day (Saturday) during the week and when I arrived to Brussels my political friend called me and asked if I wanted to join and visit the Military Museum which was placed here...

So I took the metro to the area but first we had to take advantage of the sun a little at a nice cafe! =D

Some chosen pics from the very interesting military history museum, check it out! The museum was focused largely on all Belgian history of war, in the giant museum could you find a lot of things that have been preserved from conquest, great battles, countries that Belgium has been in contact with, and much more!

1. The first air hangar
2. A Swedish helm with connection to the Belgian army.
3. The Finnish Russian winter war suit packet.
4. Ship in miniature to show when the Belgian army went to Africa and conquered colonies.
5-6. Things Belgium got from African warriors during the time when Belgium conquering of the African colonies.
7. Some real warriors from the time when Belgium was a powerful country in war.
8. Belgian propaganda!
1. The first air hangar
2. A Swedish helm with connection to the Belgian army.
3. The Finnish Russian winter war suit packet.
4. Ship in miniature to show when the Belgian army went to Africa and conquered colonies.
5-6. Things Belgium got from African warriors during the time when Belgium conquering of the African colonies.
7. Some real warriors from the time when Belgium was a powerful country in war.
8. Belgian propaganda!
After that interesting tour we crossed the political buildings such as the EU-arena, parliament... more pictures:

1. The lovely EU-flags!
2. Finland, included the Åland Islands with EU.
3. The European Parliament
4. The name of the European Parliament in all different languages of those countries which are members of EU.
5. On the outside close to the main building of the European Parliament
6. A plenum sal.
Back to the text
On the trains, undergrounds during the trip I met a couple of new friends as I always do but it was a coincidence that I met a same age awesome and nice Danish au pair which lived in Waterloo, really great to meet you! See you soon again!;D
Another day this week I went out with my French friend in Waterloo and she showed me places I not have seen before and at the same time we talked a lot and I improved my French, thanks for that and it was really nice of you!=)
Postat av: mullicansai
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