Christmas Cermony & Christmas vacation!
What a relief!
Started the day with walking down to the Sports hall for the annual Christmas Ceremony here at SSB. It was a program with songs, performance and some honorable mentions and without knowing anything about that I was one of them and got the chans to enter the scene and I got a diplooma from the BERMUN directors which I can use in the future! Thanks a lot, it was the finest diplomas so far and I have got many diplomas.
Christmas vacation, it is super! I just imagine how nice it will be and I know it will be just so nice as I am imagining.
My own time counter:
Belgium: All train has been canceled and tomorrow it is a general stop in whole Belgium with any kind of logistics like airplanes and buses, trains and so on!=/ But lucky me with my four-leaved- clover are hopefully going home to Finland tonight!
My cab is comming in one and half hour, I have eaten some lunch, checked a last movie with my princesess shared some christmas cards to my dear friends. It is pretty disgusting weather here right now:/ But today is the day when time is getting brighter in world!=)(Y)

Well once a time Merry Christmas & a happy new year!! See you soon all and everything!=)
Utkast: Dec. 20, 2011
Snow snow snow!
Snow - (Hey oh) with the world's best (from Russia, Igor Presnyakov) guitarist
Snow - (Hey oh) with the world's best (from Russia, Igor Presnyakov) guitarist

"Counting the seconds until tomorrow, soon I can feel the finnish snow, or can I? Finland is my native country and I am really proud of it!"
Merry Christmas & Good Night!
Follow me at my own time clock:
Finally I have seen snow!
It's snowing in Belgium! Every year in the beginning of winter season I become like a child when it starts to snow! Check this pictures out!

I am touching the snow!

Me on the outside of the castle. 16.12.2011.
The first snow in Belgium has fallen, and the first snow I have seen on this winter season start!

I feel the feeling that christmas is crawling closer and closer!(Y)
It's gonna be a wonderful night tonight!
Lucia! 13.12.2011!
Today we celebrated Lucia in our school in Belgium, it felt good to feel a kind of home feelings in a totally different country!

Sankta Lucia!
Good Night dear friends!

Sankta Lucia!
Good Night dear friends!
Updating from the training!
I had to cancel my floorball training tonigt because I got a fluid-filled boil on my left knee like an internal bleeding! Nurse tomorrow definitely!
On Sunday we have a game and it's a match that we really have to win!

Good night!
On Sunday we have a game and it's a match that we really have to win!

Good night!
Thursday and Time for floorball!

Waterloo Lions
"It feels really good, and I'm also proud to be able to play floorball here in Belgium. Floorball is actually growing here every year."

Time to go see you!
This day have been a day that I and many many other will remember. First of all I and all finnish students on Scandinavian School of Brussels (SSB) was celebrating Finland's independence that we got 6.12.1917 that says we have had independence in 94 years!
In this opportunity our School had invited Finland's ambassador, I been really happy and I also got the possibilty to follow him around the campus and talk to him in good company with our headmaster and deputy head.

Today we also did celebrate Saint Nicolas in Belgium and we got candy boxes from him!;D

Pepparkaka, chocolate and a mandarin!;D
Not all this day will be a memory for whole Belgium after 540 days Belgium finally got their government back and ready to work again!

Good night!


Friday was just a warmup before the real christmas celebration on saturday evening!

Geek as I am with my calculator!;D JULBALEN=christmas celebration
Just went out in the city of Waterloo with my friends and I also found a table of French speaking girls that I enjoyed and appreciated!;D

Vous êtes belle!
Woke up around twelve o'clock and went down for some brunch, directly after that did I went on my floorball training!
This years best solemn celebration in Scandinavian School of Brussels is the christmas celebration, I or we have been waiting for it for a half year, and now we have passed it, I really realize that the time pass really fast!
But anyways, the evening did start in the castle which was really stylish decorated with lot of lights and it was really cosy and a fine atmosphere! We did eat a excellent made dinner and a special thanks to the nice the waitresses!
We sung a lot of songs and had fun and once more celebrating!

As you can see this christmas celebration had a formal dress code: costume!;p

As you can see this christmas celebration had a formal dress code: costume!;p
Every year they have some nominations, When people nominate other, I was on BERMUN in Germany, Berlin so I had not voted on anybody and hadn't so much information about this nominating stuff.
But as you may know my friends know, I was nominated both for "Desperate"(He love to love) "Babe"(The MEGA cute guy, that everybody love!). So many people had vote on my for the years Babe 2011, so I did won that title! Well, thank you! I am really proud!;)

After this part of the christmas celebration

we all went into Brussels to continue celebrating together with cabs and limousines! SCHTEEK!
Well ey you, going to le you!
Shower -> I ate a huge brunch -> Floorball game, we won 6-4!(Y) -> Back to castle -> Best you can do when you are tired "S-L-E-E-P!"
Just want to thank all wonderful people that made this weekend awesome!
See ya!