What does the Weather in Waterloo looks like?

Before I came here my opinions about Belgium was agitated and a bit confused but my instinct said it's probably a lot of fog, pretty cold climate and rain atleast three times a day! But once I came here I have hardly complained anything about the weather, during August it all flourished overall and into October we still caught the sunlight from the very shiny sun!

I have heard a lot of information about the Weather in Belgium. Belgium is placed close to the Gulf Stream and that's why the country has a maritime climate which means quite constant temperature, mild winters and temperate summers and of course rain comprises for the maritime climate. The summer comes earlier to Belgium than in Finland, Sweden and Norway. The most sunshine hours do you find on the coastline.

Do not trust any sources or something, you should come and live here to know what I am telling because three days ago I clarified and experienced by myself that the weather in Belgium can be very very unsafe at any rate more than in Finland!

Three days back it was really strange but also pretty funny because I have not realized this fast changing weather as I did that day. I went with a couple of my friends to Quick; fastfood corporation (Belgium's kind of McDonald's). Firstly we had sunshine and it felt temperate twenty minutes later it started to rain another twenty minutes it started to rain big hail and with a snap with the fingers it came like a furious whirlwind and reduced the rain and it started to snow.

When it comes snow in Belgium the traffic is slowing down and everybody is talking about chaos when the first snow is coming and I agree because cars cannot drive forward because they don't have the right wheels and some drivers underestimates the snow and ice and it ends usually with wrath and collides for the stressed drivers. Including airport, train station gets troubles and all kind of public passenger transport.

Overall the weather has been better and very stabile and the weather prognos has almost everyday been dependable or better than reliable, maybe I brought with me my luck because I have my four-leaved clover with me here too!

For you that have ignorance about this hot summer 2011 we have had that was considerable for whole Europe, it was a wave from India that we call for the the "Indian Summer".

We can however explain the instability weather prognos declared to the global heating, which has main consequences from the greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, radiative forcing and carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere. In this case these consequences creates new climate such on earth and also disturbs the sea, new climate in different places and new different temperatures than before as global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level.

Hey you I also studying geography, my knowledges is huge! (;

J, wish you all a cool day!

Postat av: mullicansai

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